an ISDN based PBX for Linux
Formerly known as "PBX4Linux", Linux-Call-Router is not only a router, it is a real ISDN PBX which interconnects ISDN telephones and ISDN lines.
It is possible to connect telephones to a Linux box.
It is a pure software solution except for the ISDN cards and telephones.
The great benefit is the NT-mode that allows to connect telephones to an ISDN card.
Special cards are needed and a little bit of different cabeling.
It supports lots of features, that only expensive PBXs have.
It include a channel driver that can link LCR to Asterisk PBX.
LCR is open source and under GPL.
View the list of features
and read the HOWTO for a quick start.
Check the list of most cards that are capable of connecting telephones to it.
LCR can run a GSM network in conjunction with OpenBSC. Refer to the http://bs11-abis.gnumonks.org page for more information on running your own GSM network. A howto will follow.
For changes check README file inside the source tar.
To be able to run LCR you will need:
- at least one isdn card that is capable of NT-mode
- a second card in order to connect an external line
- the mISDN Kernel driver
- the mISDNuser package for kernel link library and NT-mode support
HFC multiport cards / HFC-E1 cards
Get additional tone/announcement sets: (only for fun)
For using the Bluebox with Linux-Call-Router, check this out.
For more info, write to jolly@eversberg.eu.
For LCR and mISDN questions refer to the mailing list of the isdn4linux project: https://www.isdn4linux.de/mailman/listinfo/isdn4linux.
Visit the download area for latest release.